Tuesday, April 14, 2015

C4K April

Paige's Blog Post

In her blog, Paige reviews a book called Percy Jackson, The Lightening Thief. It's about Percy Jackson, who is half human and half God. He gets kicked out of many boarding schools before he lands in Camp Half-blood and saves Zeus' powers.

Kirstin Bailey (Guest)
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Paige, my name is Kirstin Bailey. I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. This book sounds really interesting. I am only 19, so it sounds like something I would like to read so I will pick it up the next time I’m at the library! You should be a book critic!

Matthew's Blog Post
Matthew had a blog post containing a poem about the five senses.

Kirstin Bailey (Guest)
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Matthew, my name is Kirstin, I am in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I really like your poem. It really goes with the senses. Good job! 
Kirstin Bailey

Jaea's Blog Post
Jaea's blog talks about a mass murder in France, that led to the hashtag #iamcharlie. #iamcharlie is for all the people who are for freedom of speech and the press. Jaea believes God will punish them for their sins.

Kirstin Bailey (Guest)
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My name is Kirstin Bailey, I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama, in Mobile, AL. I had no idea this had happened, and I appreciate where you cited the source because I will look into this. I do believe people standing up to the government can work. Just like America was freed from Great Britain. They too had to face a similar massacre, the Boston Massacre. It is not impossible, we just have to hope God gives them the strength to fight another day and revolt. Good job.

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