Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Blog Post #5

Resources for a PLNA PLN (Personal Learning Network) is a network of people and tools you can use to get help, collaborate ideas, or use for consultation. Starting my PLN has been interesting. I created a Symbaloo to keep track of my old accounts and some of my newer ones. As a teacher, it's important to have a network, people to share ideas and thoughts with, and get help from. In my started PLN I have my Facebook and Twitter, and I recently created a LinkedIn to help the process. The Symbaloo is a great way to keep it all organized and in one area, I made that my homepage so it's the first thing when I open the internet. It also has useful sites like YippyDuckDuckGo, and Wikipedia. I also have Evernote, which will save notes, websites, and even business cards. It's all about being organized and the Symbaloo layout is very helpful with that. People that will be important in a PLN will also be the teachers and classmates and sometimes even the students whose blogs we read and comment on weekly. There's so much out there we can use to network, thousands of people and millions of resources.

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