Thursday, February 19, 2015

Blog Post #6

Anthony Capps is an intelligent and wonderful teacher. When I was still a student in Gulf Shores High School, my favorite teacher's son was in his class, and she couldn't say enough good about him. These videos show what a knowledgeable man he really is and I love the way he looks at his class and his ideas. He never gets to full of himself, and he really seems to realize that not everything is always going to work perfectly and that he needs to be continually learning and changing his ideas. When we started this class six weeks ago, I was sitting there wondering how they could make a whole 16 weeks out of what they were talking about. Listening to Dr. Strange talk to Anthony Capps is a total eye opener and a fantastic example of what we will need to be doing in the classroom. These talks give a whole new light on EDM310. If you weren't serious about this class before you better be after you hear this. His ways of projects are so engaging and so fun, even as the teacher. That would be amazing to watch the students be so engaged and to have adults come in and the students actually be able to explain what they are doing and why they are doing it. I know I was definitely never able to do that in third grade, even though I did and still do think the world of my third grade teacher.
engage me

There are so many ways to teach, project based learning seems to be a "best bet" as it engages students and really works their minds. The way Mr. Capps teaches gives room for him to approve. Some of his projects could be something everyone needs to do, other projects you have to go to plan B and see what could be done better or differently. Or, you might have to use improvisation and come up with a whole new project on the spot. This is what makes reflection so important. We must be able to take the peer editing and everything else we've learned from week one and apply it, and still be able o reflect on it. As future teachers we must utilize every resource we have possible and apply them to everything we do. 


  1. Hello Kirstin, I also learned alot from the videos with Dr. Strange and Anthony Capps. At first when I got in this class I thought I knew enough about computers. As I learn more and more in EDM 310 I realized that I really only knew the basics. The way children learn is changing everyday. Some of the things I'm just learning kindergarten children already know how to do.

  2. Kirsten,
    Great post! I agree that Mr. Capps is quite gifted and someone that we could all learn great things from. This class has taught me some really great things! I feel more comfortable with technology than before I started this class. I did not know how to do half of the things that I have learned. I enjoyed the video chats with Dr. Strange and Mr. Capps as well. I think that some of the ideas they spoke of were really interesting and I would like to improve upon them in my own class one day.

  3. Great post! You seemed to get a lot out of the videos!
